Weather forecast for San Candido and Val Pusteria
Today: Sun and cirrus clouds
In South Tyrol it is sunny with a few hazy clouds passing through. In the afternoon, the temperatures are between 12° and 15°.
Tomorrow: Lots of sunshine
On Friday, the sun will shine widely and the sky will be mostly cloudless during the day. The morning low clouds in the Tauferer Ahrntal will dissipate and only towards evening will some denser cloud fields appear. After early temperatures of around zero degrees, temperatures rise to highs of 10° to 15°.
Next days Weather forecasts: It will remain mostly sunny until Monday
- Sat14-2
- Sun14-3
- Mon14-3
- Tue120
Saturday will bring a friendly mix of sun and clouds. On Sunday, the sun will mostly shine unclouded again. Temperatures will be in line with the season. The sunny weather will continue on Monday. In the night to Tuesday, the clouds will thicken from the north and a few showers are possible on Tuesday itself.